Terms of Use
On receiving your email, Capital Law will provide you with an estimate of our fees. Please define in your email whether you would be interested in receiving continuous legal advice or advice for a specific situation. If we require additional information we will send you an e-mail before submitting the estimate. The rules on professional etiquette oblige us to clear potential doubts with regard to any conflict of interest which may arise, and so, if such conflict were to exist, you will be notified of the same without delay. General Conditions Capital Law is the exclusive owner of all property rights of the capitallaw.es web site and contents (including logo, graphics, design, selection). It is FORBIDDEN to reproduce, transform, distribute, publicly communicate and make available to the public, or use in any other manner or procedure, all or part of these websites contents. These uses may only be carried out with the express authorization of Capital Law, and provided an explicit reference is made to Capital Law ownership of these intellectual property rights. The authorization is given only in WRITING. Anyone abusing the content of these conditions may be taken to court in the city of Barcelona, and all related EU courts. This web site is offered "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. The connections and links mentioned in our web sites can take the user to other websites managed by third parties, over which Capital Law has no control. Capital Law is not responsible for either the contents or the condition of these websites, and access to them through our web site does not imply that Capital Law recommends or approves of their contents. Capital Law does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements, on these websites, which could damage or alter the users´ computer systems, electronic documents or files. Consequently, Capital Law shall not be held liable for the damages that any such elements could cause the user or any third parties. Information that Capital Law receives from users (clients or not) is handled with the highest confidentiality. With on-line inquiries, this information is used exclusively to answer the questions raised. The information received shall neither be used for other purposes nor given to other third parties. |